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Dilorom Bakhtiyarovna Turabekova
Nortoji Abdihalokovich Khujamshukurov
Sayyora Salomovna Salomova


This article presents the results of phytosanitary control of grape plants growing in farms specializing in viticulture in the Syrdarya region. During the study, a total of 127 hectares of land were divided into 3 groups. The total number of infected vineyards in the 1st group is the average symptomatology of fusarium disease - 18.03%, in the 2nd group - 22.97% of fusarium infestation, in the 3rd group the degree of damage is 26.01%.

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How to Cite
Turabekova , D. B., Khujamshukurov, N. A., & Salomova, S. S. (2024). PHYTOSANITARY CONTROL OF FUSARIUM DISEASE IN VINEYARDS. SCHOLAR, 2(4), 4-9.

How to Cite

Turabekova , D. B., Khujamshukurov, N. A., & Salomova, S. S. (2024). PHYTOSANITARY CONTROL OF FUSARIUM DISEASE IN VINEYARDS. SCHOLAR, 2(4), 4-9.


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