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Sherzod O‘ktamov
Beruniy Qayumov


This article explores the intricate structure of wheat gluten proteins, focusing on composition, organization, and implications for human health. Gliadins and glutenins, the main fractions, exhibit complex hierarchical organization. The gluten matrix, formed during dough mixing, significantly influences the quality of wheat-based products. However, the structure also poses challenges for those with gluten-related disorders. Ongoing research delves into the role of protein structure, particularly gluten peptides, in triggering immune responses. The article concludes by emphasizing the need for further research to develop strategies for gluten-related disorders and enhance wheat-based product quality.

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How to Cite
O‘ktamov, S., & Qayumov, B. (2024). WHEAT GLUTEN PROTEIN STRUCTURE. SCHOLAR, 2(4), 45-49. https://scholar-journal.org/index.php/s/article/view/51

How to Cite

O‘ktamov, S., & Qayumov, B. (2024). WHEAT GLUTEN PROTEIN STRUCTURE. SCHOLAR, 2(4), 45-49. https://scholar-journal.org/index.php/s/article/view/51


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